Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Store display mannequins mannequin perfect antique vintage to mod sales tool

When was the first mannequin made ?
If you google Mannequin history , you will find fascinating facts.
In yesteryear's world, the first recorded mannequins used , were wire . Made for the royals' seamstress or tailor. The measurements of the mannequin were the measurements of the royal highness etc to avoid embarrassment in the fitting room.
Google ,  Lester Gaba , and you will read a fascinating true story. Don't miss this fascinating story , especially if you enjoy the glamour history of New York's High Society . His mannequins even wore jewelry from Tiffany.
Before Lester Gaba , mannequins were rather crude , serving the purpose of displaying clothes in the retail store window.
After Lester Gaba created the six Gaba girls mannequins, the world of retail store windows displays changed.
Mannequins so realistic, many people thought they knew the person that posed for the creation of the mannequin. Remember that funny Seinfeld show that had a mannequin that looked like Elaine ?
My friend Marnie has a mannequin in her shop that really does remind me of her.
In today's technical world , buying on line is easier if one can see the item displayed on a mannequin.
Once there were at least a dozen mannequins in our home wearing antique fashions from the 1800's to the Flapper era. Only a few remain due to selling the rest to make room for our other collections.
I can remember going to an auction years ago that had a room full of fabulous mannequins. I bought as many as I could fit into my little truck, including 2 sitting on the front seat with me as I drove home.
Two nude mannequins in the front seat , while driving  Interstate 81 , is a memory I will always enjoy. I was serenaded almost the whole way home by huge rigs truck drivers honking their horns while waving with huge grins on their faces.
Thanks to the Gaba Girls , the world of the mannequin has never been the same
Cheers to Mr Gaba and the Gaba girls, you are forever timeless


  1. Really enjoyed this article... I can just picture you driving down 81 with a truck load of mannequins, and all the honking horns! HA! Hilarious!!! Thanks Gaba Girls and thanks to you, my friend. :-) Marnie

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