Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday message to one and all

So quiet was the night
The chill of winter had sliced through the land
quick and sharp as a knife
One Star lit the skies above ,
larger than the moon , so very bright
No one noticed as they slept
As Angels above sang their songs
The world was silent but the Heavens brilliant
with Angels singing ,
while each held a candle
lit with the love of the one we know
Not Santa Claus , no no , but the one in our hearts
the one in our soul
The one who created all that exists and will
forever be
The Holy one , no matter what name you call
The Holy One will hear you , one and all
So, may you sleep well this silent night
and be blessed as the skies above herald in
this season we all hold dear
Happy Holidays to all my friends on line and off
Thank you for being who you are
and thank you for friends near and far